

The Faculty of Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine has a beautiful infrastructure in which there is a 30-bed indoor hospital for the treatment of patients, research and clinical training of students. The Medical Center has a free day-clinic on campus. More than 150 patients are attended daily at the OPD’s providing specialized Unani and Ayurvedic treatment. In fact, a large number of patients suffering from neurological disorders, paralysis, arthritis and immune-related disorders, skin diseases, piles & fistula in Ano are treated in this hospital. The Medical Center started working as a medical care unit in 2014 for students. Soon, the facility for consultation and lab investigation was extended to people who are residing on campus and its surroundings. The Center is also providing comprehensive health care (i.e. preventive, curative and promotive) services under one roof. In addition, there is a dispensary in the clinic premises.

There is a provision for medical check-up for the students of the University. Medical officers regularly check-up students’ health and record advice in the medical record card. Thus, the campus provides primary medical care to the students and members of faculty supervised by the physicians of Unani and Ayurvedic Departments. In addition to providing services to the stakeholders, free treatment and medicines (at a nominal cost) are also dispensed to low-income people of the nearby areas. On emergency cases, an on-call medical officer remains standby during the night for the students staying in the hostels. Such medical facilities will be more active when the 100-bed hospital is commissioned on campus under the Faculty of Unani and Ayurvedic Medicine.